Skill Development Training

Gender Awarness Training

Social capital is a product of human interactions.
It cannot be formed by an individual; rather it emerges from a social network of connections among multiple individuals. The concept of social capital refers to a set of shared values or resources that allows individuals to work together in a group to effectively achieve a common purpose. Leveraging social capital increases the flow of information across social connections, opening doors and spreading ideas, which augments the chances of development to be sustainable in the long run.
While undertaking poverty alleviation programs and projects, PKSF not only takes into account the multiple dimensions of poverty but also the need for forming social capital to cement the impacts of its interventions. Among many other supplementary or allied interventions, PKSF had to think of some extraordinary measures that are not conflicting with rather supplementary to its chartered scope of activities.
In its statement of Vision, Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) pronounces to set and patronize a paradigm of development that is inclusive and puts people in the centre. To translate the spirit laid down in its Vision, PKSF, beyond the implementation of its programs and projects, has continuously been very proactive in collaborating with other actors in the society having sincere commitment to the accomplishment of human and social welfare. In fact, in such initiatives of coordination, the other actors, in acknowledgment and appreciation of PKSF’s huge and active presence across the country found it befitting and benefitting to work through some platforms of dialogue and action-oriented interventions under the leadership of PKSF. And PKSF also found that the spirit of its philosophy of human-centric development can be positively furthered in association of others.