Environment and Social Management Framework (ESMF)
The United Nations has fixed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and its targets for continuing development with environmental sustainability. Focusing on this, PKSF adopted its own environmental and social management framework. The Environmental and Social Management Framework of PKSF sets out its commitment to sustainable development and a set of Environmental and Social Standards. These standards are designed to support the projects/programs of PKSF and its partner organisations, with the aim of ending extreme poverty in an environment friendly manner and promoting employment generation. This Framework comprises:
• A Vision for Sustainable Development, which sets out the PKSF’s aspirations regarding environmental and social sustainability;
• The Environmental and Social Standards including performance standards of IFC 1-8 together with their Annexes, which set out the requirements that apply to the projects under PKSF and its partner organization.
For Detailed ESMF -> Environment and Social Management Framework (ESMF)
Environmental guideline