Kuwait Goodwill Fund (KGF) Program
The Kuwait Goodwill Fund (KGF) Program is a special PKSF program funded by a grant from Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED). Driven by the goal of ensuring food security, the program focuses on a) establishing linkage to sustainable agricultural financial services with technologies, b) developing flexible repayment system based on cash flow linked to harvesting pattern, and c) disseminating knowledge on sustainable farming technologies.
Currently, credit assistance activities of the KGF program are being implemented through 142 branches of 38 POs in 76 upazilas of 28 districts. In FY 2021-22, BDT 160.30 crore (156 crore in credit assistance and 4.3 crore incapacity building activities) was allocated for KGF program.
a) i) Credit Assistance
KGF program since its inception in June 2011 provided credit services to 8,45,900 members under 11,820 groups, more than 76% of whom are women.
The total savings by these members stood at BDT 34.31 crore. Up to March 2022, a total of 38 Partner Organizations (POs) disbursed BDT 2,627.88 crore to its members.
Currently, the loan outstanding stands at around BDT 224.46 crore with a recovery rate of about 100%. Nearly 53% of this loan is used in crop cultivation, 34% in beef fattening and livestock production, and the rest in fisheries and other farm-related activities.. Details credit assistance trend of KGF Program is shown in Table 1.
Capacity Building Assistance
a) Technology Transfer: Up to June 2022, a total of 5,205 demonstrations (1,690 crop-related, 1,518 fisheries-related and 1,997 livestock-related) of the Integrated Agriculture Unit were implemented with financing from the KGF program through 38 Partner Organizations.
b) Piloting of innovative agricultural technology: The KGF program is implementing two projects on specific technologies. These are a) Production and post-harvest management of mango variety Gouromoti and Malta in the two-storied orchard system in Chapainawabganj, and b) Quality betel leaf production for income and employment generation in Rajshahi.