As of 31st December, 2020 the total number of Partner Organizations (POs) of PKSF stands at 278. Since inception, PKSF has been adhering to a stringent set of criteria and following strict procedures to select suitable Partner Organization (PO). These POs are implementing the programmes and projects of PKSF.

Members and Borrowers
The members of Partner Organizations are at the core of all kinds of field level operations of PKSF, who are organized in groups. As of 31st December, 2020 the total number of members of all POs is 14.84million. Out of total members the number of woman members is 13.46 million, which is 90.68% of total. As of 31st December, 2020 the number of borrowers is 11.25 million. Out of total borrowers the number of women borrowers is 10.29 million, which is 91.44 % of total (Figure 1.0).

Figure 1.0: Members-Borrowers (million)

Members’ Savings
With steady growth, savings of members stood at BDT 138.06 billion on 31st December, 2020 (Figure 2.0).

Figure 2.0: Members’ savings balance (in billion BDT)


Loan Disbursement (PKSF-POs)
As can be seen in Figure 3.0, loan disbursement of PKSF has recorded a steady growth. Loan disbursement from PKSF to Partner Organizations (POs) increased to BDT 36.99 billion in FY 2018-19, which is 12.31% higher than the previous year (Figure 3.0). During the FY 2019-20, amount of loan disbursement from PKSF to POs is BDT 38.67 billion, which is 4.54% higher than the previous year. In current FY 2020-21 (from July to December) amount of loan disbursement from PKSF to POs is BDT 21.79 billion.

Figure 3.0: Loan Disbursement from PKSF to POs (in billion BDT)

Loan Disbursement (POs-Borrowers
Loan disbursement from POs to Borrowers stood at BDT 511.58 billion by FY 2018-19, which is 14.21 percent higher than the previous year (Figure 4.0). During the FY 2019-20, amount of loan disbursement from POs to Borrowers is BDT 471.62 billion, which is 7.81% Lower than the previous year. In current FY 2019-20 (July to December) amount of loan disbursement from POs to borrowers is BDT 273.69 billion.

Figure 4.0: Loan Disbursement from POs to Borrowers (in billion BDT)