A series of meeting with JICA held at PKSF
A series of meeting with JICA held at PKSF
Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) will shortly implement a new project titled “Inclusive Risk Mitigation Program for Sustainable Poverty Reduction (IRMP)” with the technical assistance of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
In designing the project the JICA expert team led by Mr. Yojiro Fujiwara, exchanged views in a series of meetings from 26th January to 29th January 2020 with PKSF. Mr. Golam Touhid, Deputy Managing Director introduced the contents of mutual deliberation. Executive Directors and Heads of Microfinance of the POs primarily selected for the project participated in the meetings. Besides, JICA expert team also discussed with the officials of Program, Training & Research departments of PKSF for future collaboration in realizing IRMP. The Risk Mitigation team of PKSF facilitated the meetings.