Four new faces on PKSF Board

Professor Dr Shahid Akhtar Hossain, Ms Nurun Nahar and Ms Farzanah Chowdhury have been appointed as Members of the Governing Body of PKSF and Dr Abdullah Al Mahmud, along with the three, as Members of PKSF’s General Body.
Their appointments were made at the 34th Annual General Meeting of PKSF held on 20 December 2023 and took effect from 1 January 2024.
The new Board Members replaced Ms Parveen Mahmud, Nazneen Sultana and Dr Toufic Ahmad Choudhury – who were Members of the Governing Body – and Dr Niaz Ahmed Khan in the General Body as their tenures expired on 31 December 2023.
Professor Dr Shahid Akhtar Hossain has been involved in teaching and research for more than 37 years. He was the Dean of the Biological Sciences Faculty, University of Dhaka from 2010-2012. Dr Hossain currently is the Vice Chancellor of Eastern University.
Ms Nurun Nahar is currently serving as the Deputy Governor of Bangladesh Bank. In almost 35 years of central banking career, she has worked in different positions in various departments and offices of Bangladesh Bank.
Ms Farzanah Chowdhury, Chartered Insurer, is the Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer of Green Delta Insurance Company Limited (GDIC). Ms Chowdhury was the pioneer of introducing SME banking in the country and played a diversified role as the Head of SME Banking at Brac Bank.
Dr Abdullah Al Mahmud is a professor of Banking and Insurance Department of Dhaka University. After obtaining an MBA degree from the Banking Department of Dhaka University, he obtained a PhD degree in International Economics and Finance from Brandeis University in America.