Dr Md Abdul Muyeed
Member, Governing Body
Dr Md Abdul Muyeed has three and a half decades of experiences in sustainable agriculture, climate-smart agriculture, climate adaptation and risk reduction, agricultural meteorology, food security and nutrition, and capacity building. A member of the Bangladesh Civil Service (Agriculture) cadre, he retired from public service as the Director General of the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE), Ministry of Agriculture. He currently works as a Senior Consultant of the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT-Bangladesh) and as a National Consultant of the USAID’s Feed the Future Bangladesh Nutrition Activity. He is a founding member of the South Asian Forum on Agriculture Meteorology, a Technical Advisory Committee member of Krishi Gobeshona Foundation, and a member of the BSAFE Foundation. During his service at the DAE, he worked for boosting agricultural production through the dissemination of modern technologies, formulating different strategic plans of the government for dissemination of climate-smart agricultural technologies in various parts of the country, and safe production of fruits and vegetables using Integrated Pest Management (IPM) technologies. After retirement from public service, Dr Muyeed worked at the Power and Participation Research Center as a Sector Expert-Agriculture, and as a National Sectoral Expert in the World Bank-funded Climate Adaptation and Resilience Project implemented by RIMES. He also served as a Syndicate Member of Khulna Agricultural University, a Member of the Board of Directorate of Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation, and as a Director of Bangladesh Krishi Bank, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, and Hortex Foundation.
Dr Muyeed holds a PhD in Environmental Science from Bangladesh Agricultural University with research collaboration with Bangor University, UK. He has participated in many international seminars, symposiums, training courses in Denmark, USA, UK, South Korea, Japan, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Nepal, Jordan, Sri Lanka, Sweden and so on. He is a recipient of the DANIDA fellowship, the British Council INSPIRE Fellowship and the National Science and Technology (NST) fellowship.