IFAD Vice President praises RMTP interventions

Gerardine Mukeshimana, Vice-President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), visited Thakurgaon in northern Bangladesh on 1 May 2024 to observe the interventions of the Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project (RMTP), implemented by PKSF. Its Partner Organization (PO) Eco-Social Development Organization (ESDO) carries out the field-level activities of the project in Thakurgaon.

She was accompanied by PKSF’s Deputy Managing Director Dr Akond Md Rafiqul Islam, IFAD’s Regional Director for Asia-Pacific Reehana Rifat Raza, IFAD’s Country Director for Bangladesh Arnoud Hameleers, Stephanie Micallef who works as Senior Adviser to IFAD’s Vice-President, and officials from IFAD Bangladesh’s country office and PKSF.
During the visit, Mukeshimana explored various initiatives under RMTP, including eco-friendly safe vegetable cultivation, meat and dairy activities, telemedicine services for livestock, silage production and marketing, microenterprise borrower group, seedling nurseries, and vegetable collection center operations. She also talked to the beneficiaries including small-scale farmers, producers, and agribusinesses owners.
“I have seen how IFAD, the Government of Bangladesh and PKSF have worked together to empower small-scale farmers – especially women and youth – to adapt to climate change, increase their incomes, and produce more nutritious food for their communities,” said Gerardine Mukeshimana.
Reflecting on the collaborative efforts between IFAD and Bangladesh, IFAD’s Regional Director for Asia-Pacific Reehana Rifat Raza highlighted the initiatives taken through RMTP to improve rural livelihoods. She underscored the crucial role played by IFAD, DANIDA, and PKSF in providing essential resources such as finance, inputs, training, and market linkages to communities served by RMTP, thereby fostering sustainable development and resilience in the rural areas of Bangladesh.