পিকেএসএফ - এর নিজস্ব জনবলের মাধ্যমে পরিচালিত

Completed Research Works- এর তালিকা

SL Title of the Research Researcher/ Research Team/ Organization Year of Completion View
1 Baseline Study Report of RMTP Project

Dr. Shaker Ahmed, Dr. Mohammad Thoufiqul Islam, Dr. Md. Rafiqul Islam, Dr. Mohammad Ahsan Uddin, Md. Ismail Hossain, Dr. A. K. Obidul Huq, Hashibun Nahar Khanam,Dr. Md. Mujibor Rahman

July 2023

Dr. M. A. Baqui Khalily, Dr. Syed A. Hamid, Dr. Shubhasish Barua and Dr. Sharif A. Chowdhury in collaboration with Chowdhury Abdullah-Al-Asif and Ali Yusuf Hossain.

June 2023
3 A study on determining the sub-sectors under the service sector and the scope of the activities of the selected sub-sectors

Dr. M. Shafiqur Rahman

May 2023
4 Common services/activities, Technological Intervention and Environmental Interventions required for Dry Fish Processing

Dinesh Chandra Shaha, PhD

May 2023
5 Mid-term Evaluation of Sustainable Enterprise Project (SEP) January 2023
6 A study on common services activities, technological intervention,environmental interventions and access to premium market requirement for machineries and equipment sub-sector

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Washim Dewan

December 2022
7 Determine the Prospects and Challenges of Ecological Farming (Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries) in Bangladesh

Prof. Dr. Md. Golam Rabbani

November 2022
8 Study for Exploring, Innovating, Mapping and Interventions of Developing Micro-enterprise on Environment Friendly Construction Blocks Materials and Technologies Sub-sector

Mohammad Abu Sadeque

May 2022
9 CSAP4SEP Sustainable Enterprise Project (SEP) Communication Strategy and Action Plan (SCAP) 2021-23

Sayed Saikh Imtiaz Ph.D. (Amsterdam)

April 2022
10 Common services activities, technological intervention,environmental interventions and access to premium market requirement for the Food Service (Street & Restaurant Food)

Prof. Dr. Wahiduzzaman

April 2022
11 Study to determine common service activities,technological and environmental intervention requirements for mini-garments,looms and hosiery sub-sector

Md. Nuruzzaman, Ph.D.

January 2022
12 Study on “Common services activities,Technological and Environmental interventions requirement for Poultry Sub-sector”

Soshe Ahmed

January 2022
13 Developing Strategy for Marketing and Brand Communication of Selected Sub-Sectors in Sustainable Enterprise Project (SEP)

Mohammad Naveed Akbar

September 2021
14 Study to Determine “Common Service Activities, Technological andEnvironmental Interventions Requirement for Aquaculture and Fish Hatchery SubSector”

Dr. Syed Arif Azad

March 2021
15 Sustainable Development and Human Dignity and Choice: Lessons Learned fromENRICH

Dr Martin Greeley Dr Asif M. Shahan Dr. Shubhasish Barua

January 2021
16 Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Lives and Livelihoods of the Households in ENRICH and Non-ENRICH Unions of PKSF and their Resilience Capacity

Dr. Tapash Kumar Biswas, Director (Research) Mehadi Hasan, Manager (Research) Kamrunnahar, Manager (Research) Muhammad Rijvia Kabir, Assistant Manager (Research)

December 2020
17 Common services activities, Technological and Environmental interventions requirement for Vegetables Sub-sector”

Professor Dr. Md. Ashraful Islam

October 2020
18 Final Report on ‘Common Services activities,Technical & Environmental interventions requirement for Imitation Jewelry Sub-sector

Md Zafar Alam Bhuiyan

September 2020
19 “Common service activities, Technological interventions andEnvironmental interventions requirement for Plastic Factory Sub-sector”

Professor Mohammed Jamal Uddin

September 2020
20 Appropriate registration system and product quality certification for microenterprises sub-sector

Md. Abdur Rafiq Sarkar

August 2020
21 Empowerment of Women Borrowers of Microfinance in Two Generations of Bangladesh

Dr. Tapash Kumar Biswas, Director (Research) Kamrunnahar, Manager (Research)

June 2020
22 Study of common services activities, technological intervention and environmental interventions requirement for Beef fattening and Dairy farm Sub-sector April 2020
23 Study on “Common services activities, Technological interventions and Environmental interventions requirement for Dairy product Sub-sector”

Professor Dr. Raihan Habib

March 2020
24 Common services activities, technologicaland environmental interventionsrequirement for fruits (mango, litchi,banana, pineapple) sub-sector

Prof. Dr. Md. Golam Rabbani

February 2020
25 তামাক এবং তামাকের বিকল্প ফসল চাষ: কুষ্টিয়ার একটি চিত্র

ড. তাপস কুমার বিশ্বাস, পরিচালক (গবেষণা) কামরুন্নাহার, ব্যবস্থাপক (গবেষণা) গাজী মুনতাসীর নোমান, উপ ব্যবস্থাপক (গবেষণা)

December 2019
26 এজেন্ট ব্যাংকিং কার্যক্রমের ওপর পিকেএসএফ-এর পর্যবেক্ষণ ও সুপারিশ

ড. তাপস কুমার বিশ্বাস, পরিচালক (গবেষণা) ড. তৌফিক হাসান, উপ মহাব্যবস্থাপক (গবেষণা)

December 2019
27 মাগুরা, দিনাজপুর, ঠাকুরগাঁও, কুড়িগ্রাম ইত্যাদি জেলার দারিদ্র্যের প্রকৃত অবস্থা, তথ্যের যথার্থতা যাচাই, কারণ এবং করণীয় সম্পর্কীয় প্রতিবেদন

ড. তাপস কুমার বিশ্বাস, পরিচালক (গবেষণা) কামরুন্নাহার, ব্যবস্থাপক (গবেষণা) মুহাম্মদ রিজভীয়া কবির, সহকারী ব্যবস্থাপক (গবেষণা)

June 2019
28 Sustainable Livelihoods and Inclusive Development of the Bedey Community in Savar Upazila of Dhaka District

Dr Tapash Kumar Biswas, Director (Research), PKSF Kamrunnahar, Manager (Research), PKSF

January 2018
29 Graduation of Bangladesh from LDC to Developing Country: Problem and Prospect

Dr Tapash Kumar Biswas, Director (Research), PKSF Ghazi Muntasir Noman, DM (Research), PKSF

January 2018
30 Feasibility of Bhetki and Rupchanda Hatchery Establishment in Coastal Region of Bangladesh

Dr Tapash Kumar Biswas, Director (Research), PKSF Dr Taufiq Hassan, DGM (Research), PKSF Ghazi Muntasir Noman, DM (Research), PKSF Motiur Rahman Chowdhury, PACE Project, PKSF Al-Imran, PACE Project, PKSF

December 2017
31 Rural Unemployment and Livelihood in Bangladesh

Dr. Tapash Kumar Biswas, Director (Research),PKSF Dr. Nilufar Banu, Executive Director, BUP Dr. Santi Ranjan Howlader, Consultant, DScE Dr. Taufiq Hassan, DGM (Research), PKSF Kamrunnahar, Manager (Research), PKSF

November 2017
32 ‘Staff Drop Out from MFIs: Patterns, Causes and Consequences’

S. M. Ikhtiar Jahan Kabir, AGM, PKSF Dr Tapash Kumar Biswas, Director (Research), PKSF Ghazi Muntasir Noman, DM (Research), PKSF

January 2017
33 Drop Out in the Microfinance Programmes: A Comparative Study on Ultra Poor Programme (UPP) and Programmed Initiatives for Monga Eradication (PRIME)

Dr Tapash Kumar Biswas, Director Salina Sharif, DGM Kamrunnahar, Manager Muhammad Sayudul Huq, Manager

January 2017
34 Development of Proposal for Credit Facility for Small Scale Aquafarmers, Hatchery Operators and Feed Producers in Bangladesh

Dr Tapash Kumar Biswas, Director (Research), PKSF Dr Taufiq Hasan, DGM (Research), PKSF Dr Md. Ferdous Alam, Aquaculture economist Ghazi Muntasir Noman, DM (Research), PKSF

December 2016
35 Loan Utilization by Women Borrowers

Dr Tapash Kumar Biswas, Director (Research), PKSF Kamrunnahar, Manager (Research), PKSF

June 2016
36 Mid-Term Evaluation of the Effectiveness of ENRICH Program at the Household level of 21 Unions of Bangladesh

S. R. Osmani (Team Leader) M. A. Baqui Khalily Akhter Hossain M. Sadiqul Islam Syed Abdul Hamid Mahmudul Alam Zulfiqar Ali Abul Hossain A. K. M. Nazrul Islam

February 2015
37 Employment Creation through Microcredit Programmes Supported by PKSF and Others: The Cases of TMSS and JCF

Dr Tapash Kumar Biswas, Director (Research), PKSF S. M. Ikhtiar Jahan Kabir, AGM, PKSF Kamrunnahar, Manager (Research), PKSF Ghazi Muntasir Noman, DM (Research), PKSF

January 2015
38 Risks in Agricultural and Seasonal Credit: There Causes and Consequences in the Context of POs of PKSF

Md. Abdul Karim, MD,PKSF Dr Tapash Kumar Biswas, Director (Research), PKSF Kamrunnahar, Manager (Research), PKSF

January 2015
39 The effectiveness of ‘enrich ward committee’And of ‘enrich ward centre’

Akhter Hussain PhD

January 2015
40 Crises Afflicting the Ultra Poor: Ways to Make Emergency Loan More Effective in Coping Mechanism

Shah Muhammad Ikhtiar Jahan Kabir, AGM, PKSF

January 2014
41 Graduation from Extreme Poverty: Evidence from Ultra Poor Programme and Programmed Initiatives for Monga Eradication

Dr Tapash Kumar Biswas, Director Kamrunnahar, Manager Muhammad Sayudul Huq, Manager

January 2014
42 Impact of Seasonal Credit on Productivity and Livelihood Improvement of Beneficiaries

Shah Muhammad Ikhtiar Jahan Kabir

January 2012
43 Financial Services for the Poorest (FSP):Towards Comprehensiveness

Shah Muhammad Ikhtiar Jahan Kabir, AGM, PKSF

January 2008
44 Drop Out of Members from Microcredit: Why Poor People Leave Poverty Alleviation Program?

Shah Muhammad Ikhtiar Jahan Kabir, AGM, PKSF

April 2001
45 Feasibility Study of Financing in Rural Agriculture and Non-Agriculture Enterprises (Palli Krishi O Awkrishi Udyogey Arthayon Sambhabona Jachai: Ekti Torit Palli Samiksha.

Dr M A Hakim, Shah Muhammad Ikhtiar Jahan Kabir, AGM, PKSF

January 2001