Webinar held on Climate Change and the Role of Youth

Webinar held on Climate Change and the Role of Youth
Involvement of youths in all kinds of efforts can help sustainably tackle the climate change impacts. This was the dominant view expressed in the virtual workshop on ‘Climate Change and the Role of Youth’ organized by Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) on 08 September 2020. It was organized to increase the active involvement of youth in the country’s various climate change related measures and to raise awareness among young people in this regard.
PKSF Chairman Dr Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad chaired the workshop while Mr Mashud Ahmed, Managing Director (Additional Secretary) of Bangladesh Climate Change Trust (BCCT) was the Guest of Honour. Mr Mohammad Moinuddin Abdullah, Managing Director, PKSF delivered the welcome speech.
PKSF Chairman Dr Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad said that climate change impacts have endangered the human race with an unprecedented pace. He emphasized on strengthening the role of youth in tackling this crisis. Dr. Ahmad called on young people to get involved in everything from policy formulation to implementation at national and sub-national levels.
Speaking as the Guest of Honour, Mr. Mashud Ahmed, Managing Director (Additional Secretary) of Bangladesh Climate Change Trust, said that there is no alternative to ensure the participation of the most creative and enterprising youths of the country in tackling the impacts of climate change and achieving the Vision 2021 and 2041.
Mr. Mohammad Moinuddin Abdullah, Managing Director of PKSF, in his welcome speech, noted that 65 per cent of the world’s population is youth. Without involving this large population, we cannot expect sustainable development, he added. He said that the youth force is a must to mitigate the consequences of climate change.
Dr. Md. Jashim Uddin, Deputy Managing Director of PKSF gave the vote of thanks and Dr Fazle Rabbi Sadeque Ahmed, Director (Environment and Climate Change) made the presentation on ‘Climate Change and Role of the Youth’.
More than 120 participants, including representatives of various ministries, departments, non-governmental organizations, development partners, Executive Directors of PKSF POs, senior officials of PKSF, members of PKSF’s ‘Youth in Development’ and ‘Adolescent Clubs’ attended the virtual workshop.