PKSF Managing Director visits southern coastal districts, expresses satisfaction at PKSF activities
PKSF Managing Director visits southern coastal districts, expresses satisfaction at PKSF activities
PKSF Managing Director Dr Nomita Halder, ndc, undertook a five-day visit in Bagerhat, Khulna and Satkhira districts to inspect various field activities being implemented under different PKSF projects and programs aimed at improving the lives and livelihoods of the disadvantaged people at the grassroots.
The different projects and programs, which she visited the activities of during the 26-30 December 2021 tour, include PKSF’s Agriculture Unit, LIFT, PPEPP project and SEP project.
PKSF’s partner organizations Uddipan, HEED Bangladesh, Nowabenki Gonomukhi Foundation (NGF), Unnayan Procheshta and Unnayan are implementing these projects and programs with financial and technical support from PKSF.
PPEPP Project Director and PKSF General Manager Dr Sharif Ahmed Chowdhury and General Manager Dr AKM Nuruzzaman accompanied the MD during the visit.
Launched in 2019, the PPEPP project is now delivering a wide range of livelihoods, nutrition and community mobilization support to extremely poor households in nearly 150 selected Unions of three climate-vulnerable regions.
Dr Halder visited a range of farm and off-farm activities of the PPEPP project, including goat and sheep rearing, fish culture, chicken and duck rearing, homestead gardening, tailoring training, and fishing gear and mat making. She also visited various platforms formed under the project, including Prosperity Village Committee (PVC), Mother and Child Forum, and Adolescent Girls Club where she learned about the challenges the local communities face.
During the visit, she unveiled the foundation plaques of two Reverse Osmosis water plants in Khulna and Satkhira where potable water is scarce due to salinity. She also distributed rain water harvesting tanks among PPEPP members who suffer from the shortage of potable water, also due to salinity.
She distributed assistive equipment like wheel chairs, crutches and hearing aids to persons with disabilities, who are often excluded from mainstream growth and job.
The PKSF team inspected a range of interventions of PKSF’s Agriculture Unit that include summer tomato cultivation, safe vegetable cultivation using pheromone trap, ornamental fish and bird farming.
PKSF Managing Director visited a semi-intensive sheep breeding farm and a Reverse Osmosis water plant funded by LIFT, which is a core PKSF program. She inspected dairy clusters, milk value chain activities, vermicompost production and other activities under the LIFT program and SEP project.
The MD attended a session of adolescent girls club formed under PKSF’s Program for Adolescents being implemented by Uddipan.
Expressing her satisfaction at PKSF’s field activities in remote areas, Dr Halder stressed the need for making PKSF services even more accessible to marginalized and vulnerable sections of the society.

PPEPP Project Director and PKSF General Manager Dr Sharif Ahmed Chowdhury, second from right, explains sheep rearing activities for livelihood development under the project to PKSF MD Dr Nomita Halder, ndc.

A PO-level project staff briefs PKSF Managing Director Dr Nomita Halder, ndc, about a homestead garden.

PKSF Managing Director Dr Nomita Halder, ndc, visiting a homestead garden in Sutarkhali, Dakope, Khulna.

PKSF MD Dr Nomita Halder, ndc at a woman-headed household that makes straw mats for a living in Sutarkhali, Dakope, Khulna.

Dr Nomita Halder, ndc unveils the foundation plaque of a Reverse Osmosis water plant in Sutarkhali, Dakope, Khulna.

PKSF MD Dr Nomita Halder, ndc, visiting a tailoring training in Chalna, Dakope, Khulna.

PKSF MD Dr Nomita Halder, ndc, at a sheep breeding farm established under the LIFT program. She distributed sheep among members there.

PKSF MD Dr Nomita Halder, ndc, visiting a project participant’s household that makes fishing gear for livelihoods.

PKSF MD helps a child with disability wear the seatbelt of a wheelchair in Shyamnagar, Satkhira.

PKSF MD visits Shonamonider Pushti Bagan (a vegetable garden) managed by the members of a Mother and Child Forum.

PKSF MD distributing rainwater harvesting tanks among PPEPP members.

PKSF MD visits an ornamental fish breeding farm in Tala, Satkhira.

PKSF MD visits an ornamental bird breeding farm Tala, Satkhira.

PKSF MD at a summer tomato garden in Tala, Satkhira.

PKSF MD visits a semi-commercial vermicompost production activity in Tala, Satkhira.

PKSF MD visiting a small-scale milk processing enterprise in Tala, Satkhira.

PKSF MD speaks at the closing ceremony of a month-long tailoring training course under the PPEPP project in Shovnali, Satkhira.

PKSF MD attending a session of an Adolescent Girls Club under PPEPP project in Shovnali, Satkhira.