PKSF’s low-cost programme implementation means the project strives to ensure best results against inputs. This requires transfer of knowledge about farm and off-farm IGAs at the participant level. To achieve this, PKSF offers quality training, demonstration and other necessary technical services to equip participants with relevant knowledge and technologies.

Skills training are aimed at scaling up outcome-focused IGAs for greater productivity and faster growth in participant households. Skill building, such as through vocational training, also creates gainful employment opportunities for household members in the local job market.
Round the year, trained and experienced field staff visits participant households to provide hands-on training on IGA development, expansion and replication. They also support them in IGA selection, input sourcing, microenterprise development and, more importantly, in building linkage with local markets as well as public and private service-providers.
As PKSF believes in holistic development, it has integrated skills development component in most of its projects and programmes. Among them, the following programmes have staff dedicated only for skills training of the project participants:
- Microenterprise Development Project (MDP)
- Promoting Agricultural Commercialization and Enterprises (PACE) Project
- Pathways to Prosperity for Extremely Poor People (PPEPP)
- Recovery and Advancement of Informal Sector Employment (RAISE)
- Rural Micro Enterprise Transformation Project (RMTP)
- Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP)
- Sustainable Enterprise Project (SEP)