A consultation workshop on the ‘Pathways to Prosperity for Extremely Poor People – European Union (PPEPP-EU)’ project was held on 15 September 2024 at PKSF Bhaban.
Md Fazlul Kader, Acting Managing Director of PKSF, chaired the event, while Dr Fazle Rabbi Sadeque Ahmed, Deputy Managing Director, delivered the welcome speech.
Dr Sharif Ahmed Chowdhury, Project Director and Tanvir Sultana, Deputy General Manager and Deputy Project Director, presented key insights on the project’s progress and offered recommendations on various issues.
Executive Directors, Focal Persons, and Project Coordinators from the Partner Organizations (POs) attended the workshop. During the open discussion, participants from the POs shared project outcomes, challenges, and their experiences.
The PPEPP-EU project, funded by the European Union, aims to alleviate poverty for 2,15,000 extremely poor households and is being implemented through 19 POs of PKSF.