Progress of the PACE Project Evaluated as Satisfactory

IFAD Supervision Mission
Progress of the PACE Project Evaluated as Satisfactory

An IFAD Supervision Mission expressed its satisfaction over the progress of the Promoting Agricultural Commercialization and Enterprises (PACE) project. They revealed it in a pre-wrap-up meeting of the 9th Supervision Mission of the PACE project on 30 August 2022 at PKSF Bhaban. PKSF’s Managing Director Dr Nomita Halder ndc chaired the meeting. PKSF’s Additional Managing Director Md Fazlul Kader was also present in the meeting. Mission Leader Dewan A H Alamgir shared the Mission’s findings and recommendations. The Mission stressed on the need for proper documentation of the project’s successes and smooth implementation of all project activities in time.
The Supervision Mission was conducted from 20 August to 1 September 2022. The kick-off meeting of the Mission was held on 21 August 2022 chaired by Habibur Rahman, Assistant General Manager of PKSF and Project Coordinator of the PACE project. The six-member Mission led by Dewan A H Alamgir visited various microenterprises and value chain activities in Bhola district. They reviewed progress of various activities as well as inspected the sustainability of different value chain interventions under the PACE project. Moreover, a special focus was given on the preparation of the project’s completion due in 2023.
The wrap-up meeting of the Mission was virtually conducted on 1 September 2022 with Mafiz Uddin Ahmed, Additional Secretary (Project Management), Financial Institutions Division of the Ministry of Finance in the chair. Md Fazlul Kader represented PKSF in the meeting.