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Bangladesh is one of the fastest growing economies and is expected to become the 24th largest economy in the world by 2030 (NHDR 2022, ERD). While it was primarily an agricultural economy in 1971, the composition has shifted towards industry and services over the past decades. The informal sector has become the engine of growth for sustainable development in our economy and plays an important role in employment creation. Majority (84.9%) of employed labour in the country is engaged in informal sector where females (96.6%) are more involved than the males (78.4%) (Labour Force Survey 2022).
The micro-enterprise (ME) has been playing a significant role in relieving hunger, ensuring good health, and building foundation for inclusive and sustainable economic growth, and sustainable industrialization. Majority of Bangladeshi youths are either employed in the informal sector or self-employed with low income and productivity. Continuous expansion of the micro-enterprise has been contributing to poverty alleviation but it needs further improvement for the sustainable growth. In order to facilitate the growth of micro-enterprise, Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) initiated the Agrosor program in 2001 to offer financing support for the MEs through its Partner Organizations (POs). In continuation of this, PKSF has been providing financial and technical support to strengthen the micro-enterprises through various projects; such as Micro-Finance and Technical Support (MFTS), Finance for Enterprise Development and Employment Creation (FEDEC), Promoting Agricultural Commercialization and Enterprises (PACE), Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project (RMTP), Sustainable Enterprise Project (SEP) and Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP) among others.
In 2018, the World Bank in association with PKSF, carried out a Gap Analysis Study in order to identify the gaps in the services provided under the micro-enterprise programs/projects so that these could be properly addressed. From this study, it was found that the micro-enterprises in the informal sector are constrained by lack of skills of the entrepreneurs including life-skills, entrepreneurial skills and technical skills; lack of access to finance especially for the start-ups and those entrepreneurs are falling behind; use of low-technology which causes lower productivity; and substantial gender gaps in labour market outcomes among others. In addition to that, many skilled youths including females prefer to be self-employed; however, due to lack of business knowledge and start-up capital constraints they are unable to do so. The need for targeted labour market programs for those in the informal sector, especially urban and peri-urban youth, has been made more urgent by the recent COVID-19 crisis, due to the urban and peri-urban informal sector being disproportionately affected by the COVID related shocks. In this context, PKSF has undertaken the ‘Recovery and Advancement of Informal Sector Employment (RAISE)’ Project in February 2022 jointly financed by the World Bank and PKSF. The RAISE project will facilitate employability and increase productivity of informal sector, and provide financial assistance to 175,000 low-income youths, micro-entrepreneur and COVID-19 affected micro-entrepreneurs in urban and peri-urban areas across the country. PKSF will implement the project through its 70 POs. In addition to this, the RAISE project has another component on recovery and reintegration of COVID-affected returnee migrants which will be implemented by the Wage Earners’ Welfare Board (WEWB) under the Ministry of Expatriates' Welfare & Overseas Employment.
Project Components
*This component is being solely implemented by WEWB
Objective: The overall objective of the project implemented by PKSF is to enhance the access to earning opportunities for low-income youth, including COVID-affected youth in urban and peri-urban areas.
Specific Objectives:
Target Participants
Target Participants | Total Number of Participants |
COVID-affected micro-entrepreneurs receiving microfinance support | 50,000 |
Low-income youth and micro-entrepeneurs accessing business management track* | 90,000 |
Low-income youth accessing apprenticeship track* | 43,000 |
*35% of participants under this category will be female
Youths from disadvantaged groups, e. g. Dalit; ethnic minorities; inhabitants of char, haor, hill tracts, tea estate and coastal areas; and persons with disabilities will get priority to be enrolled in this project.
Economic Inclusion Programs under the RAISE Project
The project aims to enhance economic inclusion of low-income youth and micro-entrepreneurs in urban and peri-urban areas. The services include skill-acquisition through informal apprenticeship, business management training, and access to credit, among other interventions. The project participants are low-income, less educated youth living in urban and peri-urban areas. The potential path of a participant for the economic inclusion program can be illustrated as follows.
Source: RAISE Project Operational Manual
Inclusive Finance: COVID-affected micro-entrepreneurs who were previous borrowers of the PO and are in need of financial assistance will receive inclusive finance on easy terms under the project to restore their enterprise/business. The project is also providing inclusive finance for the expansion of microenterprises by young micro-entrepreneurs. In addition, the project will finance new microenterprises by the apprentices who have successfully completed the apprenticeship program under the project. The master craftspersons (MCPs) included in the project will be eligible for loans.
Capacity Enhancement:
Risk Management and Business Continuity (RMBC) Training COVID-19 Affected Micro-entrepreneurs: In order to develop the capacities of these micro-entrepreneurs, they will be provided training on Risk Management and Business Continuity. Informal sector micro-entrepreneurs are exposed to various risk factors including man-made and natural disasters but do not usually have the capacity to deal with those. Through this training, the micro-entrepreneurs will learn how to incorporate risk management, coping, and business continuity in the event of a shock. This will help the local youth build their capacities to secure sustainable employment for themselves which will, in turn, help them to support their families and contribute to national economy.
Business Management and Entrepreneurship Development (BMED) Training for Young Micro-entrepreneurs: 85.1% of total labour force is engaged in the informal sector (Labour Force Survey 2016-17). Taking into account the importance of this sector, PKSF will provide training on Business Management and Entrepreneurship Development to young micro-entrepreneurs who are lagging behind in order to develop their capacities on Risk Management & Business Continuity, Life-skills Development, Generic Business Management and Occupation specific Technical Skills Development.
Apprenticeship Program: ‘Ustad-shagred’ system is a centuries old system of transferring skills from generation to generation and is mutually beneficial for both ustads (masters) and shagreds (apprentices). Under this project, youth from low-income households will be matched with skilled and experienced Master Craftsperson (MCP) selected by the POs according to the eligibility and selection criteria to host an apprentice. The apprentice will receive on-the-job training under the MCP and will also receive Life-skills Development training from a skilled trainer in order to develop his/her capacity to ensure sustainable wage employment.
Community Outreach: To ensure inclusion of appropriate target participants (YME and apprentices) in the project, Project Implementation Unit (PIU) at POs are conducting outreach activities such as courtyard meetings, meetings at marketplaces, miking, community radio.
Psychometric Profiling: Psychometric Profiling is the process of understanding an individual’s personality, behavioural style, and reasoning skills using a data-directed objective and structured approach. The main aim of using psychometric profiling in RAISE project is to ascertain an entrepreneur’s entrepreneurial ability and creditworthiness, i.e., personality traits, aptitude, attitude, intelligence, motivation, etc. related to business development. Proper application of this tool can be effective in providing start-up capital loan to new entrepreneurs and microenterprise loans to the established micro-entrepreneurs. The POs have been using various methods to determine the creditworthiness of the potential borrowers which is mostly based on the judgement of the lender. The Psychometric profiling, on the other hand, lends a data-driven approach to screening by providing a comparative view of all entrepreneurs.
Psychosocial Counselling: The project will provide psychosocial counselling support to the project participants especially the apprentices and young micro-entrepreneurs.
Job Placement: The project will provide support to the apprentices, who successfully complete the apprenticeship, in securing wage-employment in corresponding trade. Those who opt for self-employment will have access to finance from the respective POs. Upon completing the apprenticeship program, 10% of the apprentices will receive finance to start their own enterprise.
Services to be Provided through this Project:
Target Participants | Major Services/Tasks | Details | Selection Criteria |
COVID-affected micro-entrepreneurs 50,000 |
| o Average loan size: BDT 100,000 |
To be eligible, the micro-entrepreneur has to be an existing borrower of the respective PO before February 2020 |
| o Training duration: 3 days/12 hours | ||
Youth and micro-entrepreneurs from low-income households 90,000 |
| o Average loan size: BDT 180,000 |
Age and educational requirements can be waived for women and members of disadvantaged communities. *To be eligible for inclusive finance, minimum age has to be 18 |
| o Training duration: 12 weeks/96 hours; 2 days a week; 4 hours a day | ||
Youth from low-income households 43,000 |
| o Training duration: 6 months | For Apprentices:
Age and educational requirements can be waived for women and members of disadvantaged communities. *To be eligible for inclusive finance, minimum age has to be 18 |
| o Average loan size BDT 120,000 for Apprenticeship trainee |
Master Craftsperson (MCP) for Apprenticeship Program under the RAISE Project: 9000 MCPs will be eligible for receiving inclusive finance at reduced service charge of 18% to expand their business. The average loan size will be BDT 200,000 per MCP. Each MCP will also receive a stipend of BDT 1,500 per month per apprentice hosted. The selection criteria for the MCPs are as follows:
Loan Disbursement
Up to 31 December 2023, PKSF has disbursed BDT 911.2 crore (9112 million) under this project to RAISE project implementing POs in order to provide COVID-affected micro-entrepreneurs and young micro-entrepreneurs access to inclusive finance.
Within this time period, the POs have disbursed BDT 500 crore among 49,822 COVID-affected micro-entrepreneurs and BDT 282.00 crore among 23,238 young micro-entrepreneurs.
Capacity Enhancement of COVID-19 Affected Micro-entrepreneurs
The project is providing ‘Risk Management and Business Continuity (RMBC)’ training to COVID-19 affected micro-entrepreneurs to develop their capacity to overcome the impact of various unexpected disasters and mitigate the damage to the microenterprises. Till 31 December 2023, the project has developed the capacity of 49,710 micro-entrepreneurs.
The micro-entrepreneurs get to learn about entrepreneurship development, risk management, income-expenditure calculation, and developing business plan through various games and group exercises. Entrepreneurs are applying the knowledge they've gained to recognize potential risks in managing their enterprises, thereby ensuring the continuity of their businesses.
Community Outreach Activities
The POs are conducting outreach activities such as courtyard meetings, meetings at marketplaces, miking, community radio in their respective project areas.
Hands-on Technical Training for Apprentices
In FY 2022-23, 3,500 apprentices have completed hands-on technical training on respective trades under the direct supervision of Master Craftspersons (MCPs). In FY 2023-2024, so far, around 6,075 apprentices have enrolled in the apprenticeship program under the project. Along with technical training, the apprentices also get to learn about the aspects of running a successful enterprise.
Orientation for Master Craftspersons (MCPs)
MCPs are accomplished and thriving entrepreneurs who rank among the top experts in their respective fields. The apprentices receive training under the direct supervision of the MCPs. The project provides a 2-day orientation to the MCPs on how to conduct the training under the apprenticeship program. Till 31 December 2023, the project has provided orientation to 4,480 MCPs.
Capacity Enhancement of Young Micro-entrepreneurs
The project is providing ‘Business Management and Entrepreneurship Development (BMED)’ to young micro-entrepreneurs (YME). Till 31 December 2023, 6,520 YMEs has participated in this training.
YMEs get to learn about entrepreneurship development, business development, labor management in microenterprise, business planning and financing, and business expansion through different group exercises and games.
Capacity Development of PIU and PO Officials as Trainers
The project has been organized various capacity enhancement programs for the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) at PO level as well as for selected officials from the POs’ training pool. So far, more than 500 PIU and PO officials have taken part in these capacity building activities.
The project provided Training of Trainer (ToT) on BMED, orientation on RAISE Project Implementation, Financial Management, Life-skills Development, and Apprenticeship Program.
Visit of FID Secretary
Mr. Sheikh Mohammad Salim Ullah, Secretary, Financial Institutions Department, Ministry of Finance, Bangladesh visited the field-level interventions of the RAISE project in Feni on 24 December 2023.
During the visit, Mr. Salim Ullah interacted with the young micro-entrepreneurs, COVID-19 affected micro-entrepreneurs, apprentices and master craftspersons under the Recovery and Advancement of Informal Sector Employment (RAISE) project.
He visited young workers who have completed apprenticeship in ‘Mobile Phone Servicing’ and ‘Graphic Design and Multimedia’ under the RAISE project at their new workplace. He also visited a poultry farm under the MFCE Project. Resource Integration Centre (RIC), Sagarika Samaj Unnayan Sangstha, and Young Power in Social Action (YPSA), three of the Partner Organizations (POs) of PKSF are implementing the abovementioned projects in Feni.
News link: https://pksf.org.bd/fid-secretary-lauds-pksfs-field-level-activities/
TOT on Business Management and Entrepreneurship Development (BMED)
The ToT program on Business Management and Entrepreneurship Development (BMED) started from 02 December 2023. In order to effectively implement this training program at the grassroots and considering its long-term impacts, a series of 3-day ToT workshops was organized for 454 officials in 17 batches at the regional level. These sessions involved active participation of 276 Project Implementing Unit’s (PIU’s) officials from 69 Partner Organizations (POs) as well as 178 selected officials from the training pool of these POs.
News link: https://pksf.org.bd/tot-on-business-management-and-entrepreneurship-development-held/
RAISE Coordination Meeting
A Coordination Meeting was held on 18 October 2023 with the participation of Project Implementation Unit (PIU) officials of the RAISE project POs. PKSF’s Additional Managing Director Md. Fazlul Kader presided over the meeting. At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Dilip Kumar Chakravorty, Project Coordinator, RAISE and General Manager (Program) gave a brief presentation on the RAISE project. Besides, Mr. Golam Gilane, Manager (Program) and Deputy Project Coordinator gave a presentation on formulation of a uniform ‘Community Outreach Plan’ for selection of target project participants. In this meeting, various sessions, detailed discussions and group exercises were conducted on guidelines for conducting the apprenticeship programs, capacity enhancement program for young entrepreneurs, data collection and management for implementation of case management systems, etc. In this meeting, all the officials of RAISE Project Management Unit of PKSF were present.
Visit of the World Bank’s South Asia Regional Director
Nicole Klingen, the World Bank's South Asia Regional Director for Human Development, visited field-level interventions of the RAISE project in Savar and Dhamrai upazilas of Dhaka on 2 October 2023. She led a WB delegation that visited the RAISE project’s activities being implemented through Society for Development Initiatives (SDI) and Social Upliftment Society (SUS), two of the project-implementing Partner Organizations (POs) of PKSF.
They visited the microenterprise of a young micro-entrepreneur. They also visited young workers who have completed apprenticeship under the project at their new workplace. They visited an orientation session of Master Craftspersons under the apprenticeship program and a courtyard meeting under the project’s outreach program. In addition, the delegates interacted with young and pandemic-hit micro-entrepreneurs supported by RAISE. “I am super pleased with what I saw today,” commented Klingen, praising PKSF’s activities in the field. RAISE really helps in the aspect of providing youth with opportunities to make more productive contribution to the economy and society in Bangladesh, she added.
During this visit, she was accompanied by S Amer Ahmed, RAISE Task Team Leader at the WB, Anika Rahman, RAISE Co-Task Team Leader, WB, Dilip Kumar Chakravorty, General Manager (Program) and RAISE Project Coordinator of PKSF, Executive Directors of the two POs and RAISE PMU officials.
Discussion Meeting on “Development of Microenterprises in Bangladesh: Role of RAISE Project
A discussion meeting titled 'Development of Microenterprises in Bangladesh: Role of RAISE Project' was organized by RAISE project Management Unit on 5 September 2023. Acting Country Director of The World Bank Bangladesh and Bhutan Mr. Souleymane Coulibaly attended the meeting as the Guest of Honour. Chairman of PKSF Dr. Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad presided over the discussion meeting. Dr. Nomita Halder ndc, Managing Director of PKSF gave the welcome address.
Visit of the World Bank Vice President
The World Bank’s Vice President (Operations Policy and Country Services) Ed Mountfield visited the field-level interventions of the RAISE project in Shariatpur district on 6 July 2023. He emphasized on the importance of supporting micro-businesses, helping people develop business skills, entrepreneurial outlook, get good jobs that give them dignity and allow them to be included in the development process; adding that the PKSF activities he visited were really impressive. During this visit he was accompanied by, among others, Md Fazlul Kader, Additional Managing Director, PKSF; Uwimana Basaninyenzi, External Affairs Advisor, the World Bank; S Amer Ahmed, Lead Economist and Program Leader, Task Team Leader (RAISE), the World Bank; Aneeka Rahman, Senior Social Protection Economist, Task Team Leader (RAISE), the World Bank; Dilip Kumar Chakravorty, General Manager (Program) & Project Coordinator, RAISE.
News link: https://pksf.org.bd/world-bank-vice-president-pksf-projects-really-impressive/
Discussion Meeting on Financing the Young Micro-entrepreneurs
A meeting was organized by the RAISE project to exchange views on ‘Financing the Young Micro-entrepreneurs’ on 22 March 2023. PKSF’s panel leaders, various project coordinators, senior officials and desk officers of supervising the partner organizations participated in the meeting which was presided over by Md. Fazlul Kader, Additional Managing Director of PKSF.
The World Bank’s Implementation Support Mission
The World Bank conducted an ‘Implementation Support Mission’ from 20-30 June, 2022. The World Bank’s representatives had meeting with PKSF’s Managing Director Dr. Nomita Halder ndc, Additional Managing Director Md. Fazlul Kader and RAISE Project officials during this mission. Furthermore, the mission visited BASTOB-Initiative for People’s Self Development, one of the POs for the RAISE Project and their microenterprise program located at Atibazar and Kholamora in Keraniganj Upazila, Dhaka, in 23 June to observe the preparation for loan disbursement for the COVID-19 affected micro-entrepreneurs at the field level. Senior Economist & Task Team Leader of the RAISE Project Mr. Syud Amer Ahmed, Senior Social Protection Economist & Co-Task Team Leader Ms. Aneeka Rahman, RAISE Project Coordinator and other officials from the World Bank, RAISE Project as well as PKSF participated in the field visit.
RAISE Project Agreement Signing
The World Bank signed the Financing Agreement with Financial Institutions Division (FID), Ministry of Finance, Government of Bangladesh on 27 October 2021 to finance the RAISE project. On the same day PKSF and The World Bank signed Project Agreement of USD 250 million to implement the RAISE project. On behalf of PKSF, Managing Director Dr. Nomita Halder ndc signed the agreement. Md. Fazlul Kader, Additional Managing Director of PKSF and other project related PKSF officials were also present.
Later, on 26 January 2022, Subsidiary Loan and Grant Agreement (SLGA) was signed between the FID and PKSF.
RAISE PMU Team Members
PKSF has formed a Project Management Unit (PMU) that is responsible for overall management of the project, capacity development of PIU and POs and monitoring the project activities along with the micro-finance program department of PKSF on a regular basis.
Sl. | Name | Designation | Mobile No | PABX No |
1 | Dilip Kumar Chakravorty | General Manager (Programme) & Project Coordinator | 01844-481325 | chakravorty21@gmail.com |
2 | Golam Gilane | Manager (Programme) & Deputy Project Coordinator | 01713-688815 | ggilane@gmail.com |
3 | S M Khaled Mahfuz | Deputy Project Coordinator | 01620-663344 | mahfuz.pksf@gmail.com |
4 | Md. Tarikul Islam | Financial Management Specialist | 0196-9344050 | tarikul.pksf@gmail.com |
5 | Quazi Moshrur-Ul-Alam | Program Manager | 01916-136646 | moshrurraise@gmail.com |
6 | Anjuman Ara Begum | Program Manager | 01712-031513 | anjuraise@gmail.com |
7 | Md. Faizul Tarique Chowdhury | Program Manager | 01718-031703 | tariquepksf@gmail.com |
8 | Faruk Hossain | Program Manager | 01912-470474 | faruk.pksf@gmail.com |
9 | Billal Hosen | Program Manager | 01703-858713 | pksf.billal@gmail.com |
10 | Md. Dewan Zinnah | Social Development Specialist | 01729-594951 | dewanzinnahpksf@gmail.com |
11 | Md. Shahinur Rahman | Environment Specialist | 01712-029007 | kabires9@yahoo.com |
12 | Joy Ram Saha | Procurement Specialist | 01865777808 | joysahapksfraise@gmail.com |
13 | Noman Ibne Foysal | ICT Specialist | 01831550234 | noman.ibnefoysal.pksf@gmail.com |
14 | Ashoka Das | MIS Specialist | 01816608593 | pksf.ashoka@gmail.com |
15 | Mr. Md. Jahirul Islam | Program Officer | 01835-811626 | jahirul.pksf@gmail.com |
16 | Mr. Shehreen Saba | Program Officer (Communication & Knowledge Management) | 01711-363997 | shehreensaba.pksf@gmail.com |
17 | Mr. Suma Saha | Accounts Officer | 01676-207422 | sumapksf@gmail.com |
18 | Mr. Md. Atiqur Rahman | Assistant Accounts Officer | 01713-994158 | atiqur.pksf@gmail.com |
19 | Mr. Anamika Laskar | Assistant Accounts Officer | 01712-138252 | anamika.pksf@gmail.com |
20 | Mr. Sharmin Sultana | Assistant Accounts Officer | 01717-143301 | ssultana.pksf@gmail.com |
21 | Mr. Md. Samsuddin Khan | Assistant Officer | 01912-474753 | samsuddinraise@gmail.com |
Partner Organization
Grameen Jano Unnayan Sangstha (GJUS)
Altajer Rahman Road, Charnoabad, Bhola
Phone no: (0491) 62169, 01914-059478, 01865-036601, 01714-059479
Email: gjus.1997@gmail.com
Poribar Unnayon Songstha (FDA)
Adarshapara, Ward no-06
Charfassion Pourashava, Bhola.
Phone no: 04923-74511, 01716-185389
Email: fda.crf@gmail.com
PAGE Development Center
67/58, Nahar Plaza (7th floor)
Nazrul Avenue, Kandirpar, Cumilla-3500
Phone no: (081) 76323, 77093, 01711-388410, 01712243257
Email: lokman_pdc@yahoo.com
Community Development Center (CODEC)
CODEC Bhaban
Plot: 02, Road: 02, Lake Valley R/A
Hazi Zafar Ali Road, Khulshi, Chattogram
Phone no: 880-31-2566746, 2566747, 01713100230
Email: khursidcodec@gmail.com
House: 13, Lane: 01, Road: 01, Block: L
Halishahar Housing Estate, Chattogram
Phone no: 031-727295, 01707-761915
Email: mamtahq@yahoo.com
Dwip Unnayan Songstha
24/5, Prominent Housing
3 Pisciculture Road
Phone no: 02-9115347, 01715-475222
Email: dusdhaka@gmail.com, dus.eddus@gmail.com
Sagarika Samaj Unnayan Sangstha
Village & Post: Charbata
PS: Charjabber
Subarnachar, Noakhali
Phone no: 01711-380864, 01865-041202
Email: saifulislam@yahoo.com
Young Power in Social Action (YPSA)
House: F-10 (P), Road: 13, Block: B
Chandgaon R/A, Chattogram-4212
Phone no: 031-672857, 01711-825068
01819-321432, Fax: 031-2570255
Email: info@ypsa.org, arif@ypsa.org
RDRS Bangladesh
House: 43, Road:10, Section: 6
Uttara Model Town, Dhaka-1230
Phone no: (88-02) 58951802, 01730328003
Email: rdrs@bangla.net
Integrated Development Foundation
House: 20, Avenue-2, Block-D
Mirpur-2, Dhaka-1216
Phone no: 02-55075380, 02-55075381
Email: idf_bd92@yahoo.com
WAVE Foundation
22/13B, Block-B, Khilji Road
Mohammadpur, Dhaka
Phone no: 02-55075380, 02-55075381
Email: idf_bd92@yahoo.com
CARSA Foundation
749, Satmasjid Road
Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1209
Phone no: 8120634, 01713-204682
Email: carsafoundation@yahoo.com
Gono Unnayan Prochesta (GUP)
13A/3A, Babar Road
Block-B, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207
Phone no: 02 9138801, 01714-033373
Email: info@gupbd.org
631/5, West Kazipara, Mirpur-10, Dhaka-1216
Phone no: 55073540, 55073530
Email: tmsseshq@gmail.com
Dushtha Shasthya Kendra
House-741, Road-09
Baitul Aman Housing Society
Adabor, Dhaka-1207 Phone no: 02-9128520
8120965, 58151176, 01713-147392
Email: dskinfo@dskbangladesh.org
Padakhep Manabik Unnayan Kendra
House: 548, Road: 10
Baitul Aman Housing Society, Adabor
Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207
Phone no: 8151124-6, 9128824, 01713-003166, 01730-024515
Email: info@padakhep.org, padakhep@gmail.com
Palli Mongal Karmosuchi
PMK Bhaban,
Vill. & Post Office: Zirabo
Ashulia, Dhaka Phone no: 02-44071006
Email: humayunkabirdd@gmail.com, akmal_pmk@yahoo.com
Pidim Foundation
Plot: A-76, Road: W-1, Block-A
Eastern Housing Pallabi Phase-2
Rupnagar, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216
Phone no: 01713-337670
Email: pidimfoundation.bd@gmail.com
People’s Oriented Program Implementation
5/11-A, Block-E, Lalmatia
Phone no: 9121049, 9137769, 9122119, 01711-536531
Email: popibd-ed@yahoo.com
Prism Bangladesh Foundation
FANN KASHANA, Flat: 3A/B, House: 41, Road: 6
Block-C, Banani, Dhaka-1213 Phone no: 01716-002021
Email: prismbdf@yahoo.com
BASA Foundation
House: 42, Road: 04
Preyanka Ranway City, Bounia
Turag, Dhaka-1230
Phone no: 01711-528281, 01730-044967
Email: islambasa@gmail.com
BASTOB-Initiative for People’s Self
Development 6/20 (5th floor), Humayun Road
Block- B, Mohammadpur, Dhaka- 1207
Phone no: 02-48112102, 02-48112402, 01713-004009
Email: bastobbangladesh@gmail.com, info@bastob.org
BEDO Rahman Lucid Tower
D-2, 19/3 Kakrail, Dhaka-1217
Phone no: 58316851, 01985-503551
Email: bedoco1993@gmail.com
Village Education Resource Centre (VERC)
B-30, Ekhlas Uddin Khan Road
Anandapur, Savar, Dhaka-1340
Phone no: 88-02-7745412, 01713-030885
Email: info@vercbd.org
Resource Integration Centre (RIC)
House:88/A/KA, Road-7/A
Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1209
Phone no: 880-2-58152424, 01711-548790
Email: ricdirector@yahoo.com
Shakti Foundation for Disadvantaged Women
House: 4, Road: 1, Block-A
Section-11, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216
Phone no: 02-8810700, 01819-218267
Email: info@sfdw.org
Centre for Community Development Assistance (CCDA)
House no-1/8 (Block-G)
Lalmatia Housing Estate, Dhaka-1207
Phone no: 8711215, 8713137, 01714-161650
Email: ccdabd@gnbd.net, ccdacor@gnbd.net
SHEVA Nari O Shishu Kallyan Kendra
84, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue
Tejgaon, Dhaka-1215
Phone no: 9114497, 01711-560065
Email: sheva@bol-online.com
Society for Development Initiatives (SDI)
House: 2/4 (3rd floor), Block-C
Shahjahan Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207
Phone no: 02- 9122210, 02- 9138686, 01711-815053, 01730-330703
Email: sdi.hoffice@gmail.com
Society for Project Implementation Research Evaluation & Training (SOPIRET)
Sk. Rasel Sarak, Samserabad, Lakshmipur
Liaison office:
8/1, Segun Bagicha, Silsila Villa, Apartment No:
C/903, Dhaka Phone no: 9559295, 01742-614151
Email: sopiretdhaka@gmail.com, sopiret@gmail.com
Social Upliftment Society (SUS)
C-25, Jaleshwar, Shimultala, Savar, Dhaka-1340
Phone no: 7742403, 7746229, 01678-678877
Email: sushelp360@gmail.com
HEED Bangladesh
Main Road, Plot: 19, Block-A , Section-11
Mirpur, Dhaka-1216
Phone no: 9004556, 9001731
Email: heed@agni.com
Amra Kaj Kory (AKK)
Rawshan Ara Manjeel
35/7/1 North Kamalapur
Faridpur Sadar, Faridpur
Phone no: 0631-63944, 01731-187569, 01712-001233, 01719-628883
Email: amrakajkory@yahoo.com
Society Development Committee (SDC)
Zaman Manzil, Road No-1
Goalchamot, Faridpur Sadar, Faridpur-7800
Phone no: (0631) 65854, 01714-022987
Email: sdc.bangladesh@yahoo.com
Gono Kallayan Trust (GKT)
Holding No: 0010-01, Dr Amartya Sen Road
Purbo Dashara, Manikganj-1800
Liaison office:
19-20, Adorsa Chayaneer Housing Society
Ring Road, Shyamoli, Dhaka-1207
Phone no: 01711-547780, 01733-076000
Email: gkt@bdcom.com, gktmfi@yahoo.com
SDS (Shariatpur Development Society)
Sadar Road, Shariatpur-8000
Phone no: (0601) 61654, 0175446907
Email: sds.shariatpur@gmail.com
Naria Unnayan Samity (NUSA)
Post & P.S: Naria, Shariatpur-8020
Liaison office:
House no: 429, Road No: 30, 5th floor
Mohakhali DOHS, Dhaka
Phone no: (0601) 59154, 01718-239744
Email: nusa_bd@yahoo.com
KPUS (Kushtia Palli Unnayan Sangstha)
18/5, 1 no Masjid Bari Lane
Aruapara, Kushtia-7000
Phone no: 01711310126
Email: kpus_bd23@yahoo.com
Desha Shechsashebi Artho-Samajik Unnayan O Manobik Kallayan Sangstha
Desha Tower, Upazila More
Jhenaidah Mohasarak, Kushtia-7000
Phone no: (071) 73402, 01711-217623
Email: imfo@desha.org.bd , desha_bd@yahoo.com
Shiropa Development Society
House: 27, Baitul Zannat Zame Mosjid Road (Near Police Line)
West Mojompur, Kushtia
Phone no: 01711-112320, 0277783453
Email: shiropa_2011@yahoo.com
T&T Coloni Road, Courtpara
Post Box: 10, Kushtia-7000
Phone no: (071) 62029, 61610, 01720-507636, 01720-507700
Email: info@setubd.org, setu.orgbd@yahoo.com
Nabolok Parishad
House: 163, Road: 11
Niralla R/A, Khulna-9100
Phone no: (041) 720155, 01745-884488, 01711-840957
Email: nabolok@nabolokbd.org, nabolok@khulna.net
Daridra Bimochon Shangstha (DBS)
Fulbagan Road, Mukharjee Para
Post & P.S: Meherpur-7100
Phone no: 88-0791- 62629, 01812-907555, 01727-059111
Email: dbsed.org@gmail.com
Ad-din Welfare Centre
Chanchra Check Post, Pulerhat, Jashore-7400
Dhaka Office:
Ad-din Hospital
2, Bara Maghbazar, Dhaka-1217
Phone no: (0421) 61447, 61448
Email: addinjsr@gmail.com, info@ad-din.org
Jagorani Chakra Foundation
46, Mujib Sarak, Jashore-7400
Phone no: (0421) 68823, 61983, 01711-899259
Email: mfpjcf@gmail.com
Rural Reconstruction Foundation (RRF)
RRF Bhaban, C&B Road
Karbala, P.O Box: 07, Jashore-7400
Phone no: 0421-66906, 0421-65663, 0421-68457, 01713-000926
Email: admin@rrf-bd.org , info@rrf-bd.org
Shishu Niloy Foundation
22/A, Mujib Sharak, Jasho
Phone no: 88-0421-65115, 01711-489883
Email: snf_mfp@yahoo.com, shishu_niloy@yahoo.com
Unnayan Prochesta
Vill. & Post: Tala Satkhira
Phone no: 04727-56156, 01711-451908
Email: unnpro07@gmail.com
Nowabenki Gonomukhi Foundation
Nowabenki Bazar, Shyamnagar, Satkhira
Phone no: 01711-218197, 01711-864604
Email: ngfbd1@yahoo.com
Satkhira Unnayan Sangstha (SUS)
Post & P.S: Tala
Phone no: +88-04727-56252, 01711-829492
Email: sus_ngo@yahoo.com
Rural Development Sangstha (RDS)
49, Gridda Narayanpur, Sherpur Town
Phone no: 0931-62404, 01711-186703
Email: rdssher@gmail.com
Proyas Manobik Unnayan Society (PMUS)
Belepukur, Chapainawabganj-6300
Phone no: 0781-51501, 01714-029484
Email: proyasbd@gmail.com
Ahead Social Organization (ASO)
Madrasha Road, Joypurhat-5900
Phone no: 0571-63569, 01819-784008, 01711-968797
Email: asojoy@bttb.net.bd
Joypurhat Rural Development Movement (JRDM)
House: 476/1, Chowdhury Para
East Bazar, Joypurhat-5900
Phone no: (0571) 62038, 01715-024164, 01713-442902, 01713-442905
Email: jrdmngo95@gmail.com
JAKAS Foundation
Sabujnagar, Joypurhat-5900
Phone no: 0571-62984, 01711-063216
Email: jakas.bd@gmail.com
Dabi Moulik Unnayan Sangstha
Chakrampur, Kathaltoli
Santahar Road, Naogaon-6500
Phone no: 880-741-62072, 01717-548514
Email: dabi@rocketmail.com
Ukilpara, Naogaon
Phone no: (0741)-61131, 01711-043670
Email: ranamousumi@yahoo.com
Organization for Social Advancement and Cultural Activities (OSACA)
Chak Ramanondopur
Ishwardi Road, Gachhpara, Pabna-6600
Phone no: 01712-651636, 01552-389247
Email: osaca_pabna@yahoo.com
Pabna Protishsruti
House-A/5, Block-J
(East of Pabna Alia Madrasa)
Radhanagar, Pabna Sadar, Pabna-6600
Phone no: (0731) 66199, 01711-123709
Email: protishruti@gmail.com
Programme for Community Development (PCD)
Radhanagar, Moktob More, Pabna
Phone no: 0731-66969, 01716-535081
Email: pcdpabna17@yahoo.com
Gram Unnayan Karma (GUK)
GUK Tower, Banani, Bogura-5800
Phone no: 051-78264/69976, 01714-004015, 01733-366999
Email: gukbogra@yahoo.com, guk.bogra@gmail.com
Shataphool Bangladesh
Vill. & PO.: Jahanabad
Mohonpur, Rajshahi
Phone no: 01711-062767, 01713-195302
Email: shataphool@gmail.com
Shapla Gram Unnayan Sangstha
37, Firojabad
Sopura, Boalia
Phone no: 01711-772446, 07121-76215
Email: shaplango_99@yahoo.com
National Development Program (NDP)
NDP Bhaban, Bagbari,
Shahid Nagar, Kamarkhando, Sirajganj-6703
Phone no: 0751-63877, 01713-383100, 01713-383112
Email: akhan_ndp@yahoo.com
Modern Development Organisation (MDO)
House: 44/2 (Gr. floor)
Sony Residential Area, Mujib Road
Phone no: 01716-378789
Email: moderndo@gmail.com
Manab Mukti Sangstha
Vill: Khash Bara Shimul
PO: Bangabandhu Jamuna Bridge West Sub
Sirajganj Sadar, Sirajganj-6703
Phone no: 01713-002850, 01728-705980
Email: hbaharmms@gmail.com
SKS Foundation
College Road
Uttar Horin Singha
Phone no: (0541) 51408, 01713-484400
Email: sks-poes2@yahoo.com
Eco-Social Development Organization (ESDO)
College Para, Thakurgaon-5100
Liaison office
ESDO House, Plot: 748, Road: 8
Baitul Aman Housing Society, Adabor, Dhaka-1207
Phone no: (0561) 52149, 01713-149333
Email: esdomis@yahoo.com
Gram Bikash Kendra
Haldibari, Parbatipur, Dinajpur
Phone no: 01713-163500, 01713-163501
Email: gbkpbt@yahoo.com
Mohila Bohumukhi Shikkha Kendra
Nimnagar, Balubari, Dinajpur- 5200
Phone no: 0531- 64433, 01712-639259, 01716-884850, 01751-464767
Email: razia.mbsk@gmail.com
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