The intensity and frequency of storms, surges, floods and other natural disasters have increased in Bangladesh due to global warming and climate changes. These natural calamities are creating barriers to the development of the country. In line with the Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan, PKSF is implementing the Extended Community Climate Change Project-Flood (ECCCP-Flood) project.
The project benefits 90,000 people directly and another 1,00,000 people indirectly in Nilphamari, Lalmonirhat, Kurigram, Gaibandha and Jamalpur districts. Their resilience to climate change is likely to increase significantly by the end of the project.
After raising plinths of 10,000 homesteads with the project support, the project participants have been able to protect their assets including their livestock by staying at their own houses. Even some non-participating members of the communities took shelter on their raised homesteads during the flood.

In addition, thousands of people of 11 upazilas have been able to protect themselves from the adverse effects of climate change by installing tubewells for safe drinking water, constructing flood-resilient latrines, rearing goat/sheep in slatted sheds, cultivating climate-smart crops, etc.
The project sought grant finance from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) in the reality that the people living in the riverine char areas are highly vulnerable to climate change fallout, particularly floods. Their homesteads see regular inundation during a normal flood. Their livelihoods depend on subsistence agriculture and agriculture wage labor which also are very sensitive to flooding. They lose their crops almost every alternative year. The women in the char areas are particularly vulnerable to floods because they have to look after children and old members of the households in addition to collecting drinking water, cooking food, looking after poultry and livestock, and other household activities. Adolescent girls and women are also vulnerable to sexual harassments during a flood because they have to stay on the embankments or flood shelters. These poor communities always struggle to meet their daily necessary commodities and have the least capacity to address additional threats.
Activities | Total target of the Project | Achieved till April 2024 |
Climate Change Adaptation Group (CCAG) Formation | 1000 | 1000 |
Raising of Homestead Plinths | 10000 | 10000 |
Installation of Tubewells | 500 | 500 |
Construction of Climate-resilient Sanitary Latrines | 2810 | 2810 |
Providing Support to Rear Goat/Sheep in Slatted Houses | 10000 | 10000 |
Household-based High Value and Climate-resilient Agricultural Demonstration among the Farmers | 10000 | 10113 |
To increase the resilience of the poor, marginalized and climate-vulnerable communities to the adverse effects of climate change in the flood-prone areas of Bangladesh.
Outcomes, outputs and activities
Outcome 1: Institutions (Implementing Entities) and community groups strengthened capacity on addressing climate change
Output: 1.1: Climate change adaptation groups (CCAGs) formed and operationalized
Activity 1.1.1: Beneficiary selection and group formation
Activity 1.1.2: Preparing beneficiaries’ socio-economic profile
Activity 1.1.3: Arranging monthly group meetings on climate change issues of CCAGs
Output 1.2: Preparation of vulnerability assessment and adaptation action plan
Activity 1.2.1: Carrying out participatory vulnerability assessment
Activity 1.2.2: Preparing local-level adaptation action plan using Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) tools
Output 1.3: Training and workshops on climate change conducted for beneficiaries and stakeholders
Activity 1.3.1: Preparing training manuals and guidelines on climate change issues and project management
Activity 1.3.2: Preparing training plan and organizing training sessions for beneficiaries
Activity 1.3.3: Organizing training for IE staff
Activity 1.3.4: Organizing exchange visits for CCAG members and IE staff
Activity 1.3.5: Organizing workshops and seminars
Output 1.4: Preparation and dissemination of knowledge products
Activity 1.4.1: Preparing and disseminating knowledge products
Outcome 2: Protection of homesteads from adverse effects of flood
Output 2.1: Raised homesteads above flood level
Activity 2.1.1: Raising homestead plinths in clusters
Output 2.2: Reconstruction of climate-resilient houses
Activity 2.2.1: Providing financial support to reconstruct climate-resilient houses on raised plinths
Outcome 3: Increased access to safe water and sanitation
Output 3.1: Installation of flood-resilient tubewells
Activity 3.1.1: Installing tube wells
Output 3.2: Construction of sanitary latrines
Activity 3.2.1: Construct climate-resilient sanitary latrines
Outcome 4: Access to flood-resilient livelihood
Output 4.1: Rearing of goats/sheep in slatted houses
Activity 4.1.1: Providing support to rearing goats/sheep in slatted houses
Output 4.2: Cultivation of flood-tolerant crops
Activity 4.2.1: Cultivation of flood-resilient rice varieties BRRI Dhan 51 & 52, and BINA Dhan 11
Activity 4.2.2: Cultivation of early and disease-protective wheat variety BARI 26
Activity 4.2.3: Cultivationg of vegetables on sand bars
The total number of direct project participants are 90,000 (20,000 Households). The participant selection criteria are as follows:
- Those living in riverine char and low-lying flood vulnerable areas
- Priority on women-headed households and other disadvantaged groups
- Poor and ultra-poor households [defined in the Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES 2016) of the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS 2017)]
- Daily income standing at less than USD 1.75,
- Those not receiving any support from other projects or organizations
Targeted Areas
The project will be implemented in 5 flood-prone districts of Bangladesh — Nilphamari, Lalmonirhat, Kurigram, Gaibandha and Jamalpur.
Duration: 4 years (27 April 2020 – 26 April 2024)
Budget: USD 13.33 million
Funded by: Green Climate Fund (GCF)
Reports and Publication
- ‘Exit Meeting and Strategic Consultation’ of ECCCP-Flood Project
- Interim Independent Evaluation of Extended Community Climate Change Project-Flood of PKSF
- পরিবেশগত ও সামাজিক ব্যবস্থাপনা গাইডলাইন
- ক্লাইমেট চেঞ্জ এডাপটেশন গ্রুপ (সিসিএজি)-এর আলোচ্য বিষয় সহায়িকা
- Independent Audit Report on the Effectiveness of the ESMS under ECCCP-Flood of PKSF
- Refresher Training/Workshop Report
- Quarterly Progress Report (July 2023-September 2023)
- Quarterly Progress Report (April 2023-June 2023)
- Quarterly Progress Report (January 2023-March 2023)
- Quarterly Progress Report (July 2022-September 2022)
- Quarterly Progress Report (April 2022-June 2022)
- Quarterly Progress Report (January 2022-March 2022)
- Quarterly Progress Report (July 2021-September 2021)
- Quarterly Progress Report (April 2021 to June 2021)
- Quarterly Environmental and Social Safeguards Monitoring Report (July 2023-September 2023)
- Quarterly Environmental and Social Safeguards Monitoring Report (April 2023 to June 2023)
- Quarterly Environmental and Social Safeguards Monitoring Report (January 2023 to March 2023)
- Quarterly Environmental and Social Safeguards Monitoring Report (July 2022 to September 2022)
- Quarterly Environmental and Social Safeguards Monitoring Report (April 2022-June 2022)
- Quarterly Environmental and Social Safeguards Monitoring Report (January 2022-March 2022)
- Quarterly Environmental and Social Safeguards Monitoring Report (July 2021-September 2021)
- ECCCP-Flood Environmental and Social Management Guideline
- Annual Progress Report (Jan-Dec 2022)
- Annual Progress Report (Jan-Dec 2021)
- Annual Progress Report (April 2020 to June 2021)
- Annual Environmental and Social Safeguards Monitoring Report (January 2022-December 2022)
- Annual Environmental and Social Safeguards Monitoring Report (January 2021-December 2021)
- Report on Implementing Entities (IEs) selection Procedure
- ECCCP-Flood Monitoring Report December
- ECCCP-Flood Newsletter; March 2024 Issue
- ECCCP-Flood Newsletter; December 2023 Issue
- ECCCP-Flood Newsletter; September 2023 Issue
- ECCCP-Flood Newsletter; June 2023 Issue
- ECCCP-Flood Newsletter; March 2023 Issue
- ECCCP-Flood Newsletter; December 2022 Issue
- ECCCP-Flood Newsletter; September 2022 Issue
- ECCCP-Flood Newsletter; June 2022 Issue
- ECCCP-Flood Newsletter; March 2022 Issue
- ECCCP-Flood Newsletter; December 2021 Issue
- ECCCP-Flood Newsletter; June 2021 Issue
Related Thematic Area:
Last Updated on– 15/05/2024